National School

Say 'Yes' to Languages

Say 'Yes' to Languages

Say Yes To Languages’ offers an introduction into a variety of modern foreign languages and Irish Sign Language (ISL), while also looking to raise awareness among pupils of the diversity of languages being used by their peers in their schools and community. Say Yes to Languages is delivered to pupils from third to sixth class and runs for eight hours, over a period of eight weeks.

We have been so lucky to have Derek come to our school this term and teach us all about Irish Sign Language and what it was like for him growing up. We have had 8 lessons so far and we are really enjoying it!

Sep 10
Football Game v Paddock
Sep 25
School Closed Maths Curriculum Day
Oct 08
School Photos - Memory Lane
Oct 28
Halloween Midterm
We would like to welcome our Junior Infant Class of 2024 to Rushall NS.
Rushall National School participated in the Blue Star programme this year!
On June 20th Rushall NS held its Annual Sports Day. It was a day filled with laughter, cheers, and great sportsmanship!
Pike of Rushall, Mountrath, Co. Laois, R32 CK15.
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