National School

Flag Raising and School BBQ

School days are the best days! How true these words are, as the children of Rushall NS created a wonderful atmosphere in school today.
Flag Raising and School BBQ

School days are the best days! How true these words are, as the children of Rushall NS created a wonderful atmosphere in school today. After lunch, our sixth class raised our 6th Green flag with pride, as all pupils and staff looked on with great appreciation for all the hard work and dedication put into achieving this flag, and the previous five flags. We felt a great sense of pride as we looked up at our beautiful green flag fluttering high in the wind along with the 6 pennants achieved so far.

Next, we all headed towards the picnic tables for our school's first BBQ, and it was a huge, delicious success! Cooks Anne Phelan and Mr Monaghan, worked hard to serve up plate after plate of tasty food. Children who'd never tasted BBQ food before were in for a treat, relishing the hot dogs topped with lettuce fresh from our school's planters and potato chips straight from our school garden. The chefs worked tirelessly, ensuring that all the children were satisfied and happy.

As if that weren't enough, following the BBQ we enjoyed Strawberries that were picked right from our school garden. It was a lovely sight to see children learning about where their food comes from, being introduced to new tastes and textures and enjoying their beautifully grown produce.

It was the perfect end to a perfect day at Rushall NS.

Flag Raising and School BBQFlag Raising and School BBQFlag Raising and School BBQFlag Raising and School BBQFlag Raising and School BBQFlag Raising and School BBQFlag Raising and School BBQFlag Raising and School BBQFlag Raising and School BBQFlag Raising and School BBQFlag Raising and School BBQFlag Raising and School BBQFlag Raising and School BBQFlag Raising and School BBQFlag Raising and School BBQFlag Raising and School BBQFlag Raising and School BBQFlag Raising and School BBQFlag Raising and School BBQFlag Raising and School BBQFlag Raising and School BBQ
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Pike of Rushall, Mountrath, Co. Laois, R32 CK15.
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