National School

First Holy Communion - 12.05.2024

Our 2nd Class students celebrated their First Holy Communion with a beautiful mass filled with songs and prayers.
First Holy Communion - 12.05.2024

Our 2nd Class students celebrated their First Holy Communion with a beautiful mass filled with songs and prayers. After the ceremony, teas and treats were provided in the school, lovingly prepared by parents.All the preparation and practice truly paid off, as everything went perfectly. It was a joyous occasion that brought together the school community in celebration. Parents, teachers, and pupils alike felt a sense of pride and happiness at this special event.

First Holy Communion - 12.05.2024First Holy Communion - 12.05.2024First Holy Communion - 12.05.2024First Holy Communion - 12.05.2024
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Pike of Rushall, Mountrath, Co. Laois, R32 CK15.
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